Your Hospital Bill
Your daily room rate includes many items, such as meals and maintenance. Charges for nursing care and special services ordered by your physician, such as X-rays, laboratory tests, blood products and medications, as well as operating room and anesthesia charges, are listed separately.
Your attending physician's fee and any consulting physicians' fees will not be included in your hospital bill; these physicians will bill you separately.
You can expect a final bill approximately seven days after discharge. If you have questions concerning your bill, please contact the Patient Accounting Department at 1-866-597-1776. A representative from that department can answer questions about your hospital bill and help you interpret financial policies and billing procedures at the hospital.
A financial counselor, located in Outpatient Admitting on the first floor of the hospital, is available to you and your family or friends on a walk-in basis from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday.