Your Hospital Team at Palmdale Regional Medical Center
Learn more about your hospital team at Palmdale Regional Medical Center.
Medical Staff
Your attending physician is the person with primary responsibility for your care, and will supervise all tests, medications and consultations with other specialists. If you were not already under the care of a physician affiliated with Palmdale Regional Medical Center when you were admitted to the hospital, a physician will be assigned to you. During your stay, you may meet physicians-in-training and medical students. Physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Palmdale Regional Medical Center. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.
Nursing Staff
Our nursing staff is committed to providing high quality, individualized care to patients. You will be assigned a registered nurse who will coordinate a thorough nursing assessment, plan of care and continuous monitoring of your health status throughout your hospitalization. Other caregivers, under the direction of the registered nurse, will be assigned to care for you. A nurse manager is responsible for directing and coordinating nursing care on each unit. Please feel free to contact your nurse or the nurse manager if you have questions or concerns.
The hospital maintains a staff of full-time registered dietitians and dietetic technicians to meet your dietary needs during your stay. A dietitian or dietetic technician may visit you shortly after admission to discuss your nutritional needs and food preferences.
Social Workers
Social workers are assigned to each patient care area and are trained to help patients and family members deal with financial, social and emotional problems that relate to illness or hospitalization. Members of the department work with you and your family with concerns related to your illness and are involved in discharge planning. To speak with a social worker, you, your family or your physician or nurse should call the Case Management Department at 661-382-5029.
Your room will be cleaned daily by a member of the housekeeping staff. If there is a housekeeping problem in your room, tell your nurse so that it can be resolved as quickly as possible.
Volunteers contribute many hours of service and financial assistance to the hospital. They supplement the services of the hospital staff in many ways and can be identified by their maroon jackets with a "Volunteer" monogram and nametags. Among the many services they provide are: delivering books and magazines to you from the volunteer library or accompanying you to the courtyard or meditation room.